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Midweek Meander

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  • 8 Mar 2025 2:45 PM
    Reply # 13472174 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello Members,

    We kicked off our Midweek Meanders for 2025 with a traditional evening event near the coast. Once again, we headed to Kailis Fish Cafe, Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour. Although, I think next year we will try something new. 

    The weather was very pleasant as was the company. It was good to catch up with folk we haven't seen since last year and meet some new members, Marco and Omar.

    This month's March Meander will be a week earlier than usual (20/3/25) due to other club commitments close to the last Thursday of the month. I will send out more information very soon.

    See the photo of our fish and chip night below.



    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

  • 2 Oct 2024 3:35 PM
    Reply # 13414500 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hello Members,

    Septembers Midweek Meander was a great day. With near perfect weather. We meet in Vic Park for coffee and then made our way to the hills via Kalamunda and to my delight used the Tarmac West Kalamunda stage along the way. I had to restrain myself from being a little too enthusiastic. 

    Our guest organiser showed great adaptability by deciding on the route with a lot of help from Ken Beattie at the coffee table. It worked a treat, and all had a great drive and day!

    See the pictures below taken by Oliver Muston, son of member Graeme. Enjoy.

    Our next and last meander for the year is going to be very different. Our President Paul is the guest organiser, you will want to be a part of it so keep the date free. Thursday the 31st of October. More details to come.



    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

  • 16 Sep 2024 10:01 PM
    Reply # 13407143 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hello Members,

    George Kallidis was our August Midweek Meander tour guide, and he did a fantastic job of finding two top quality cafes with plenty of parking for precious Zeds.

    Eleven members answered the call to have a great time. We met at the Beach Street Cafe in East Fremantle for coffee and conversation. George then furnished everyone with a hand drawn map of our route to the lunch destination. An almost lost art you would think, drawing a map that was easy to read and very actuate! After a pleasant drive through the back blocks, we arrived at Avocados Cafe in Kelmscott. 

    The weather was almost acceptable, with only a few light patches of rain but of course nice and cool for the cars. Both venues offered excellent food and drinks, and it was enjoyed by all.

    See the photos below.

    Septembers Midweek Meander will be held on Thursday the 26th, details will be posted soon, so keep an eye out you don't want to miss it.

    Cheers Peter.

    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

  • 7 Aug 2024 2:47 PM
    Reply # 13391020 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello Members,

    Our July Mid-Week Meander was the most interesting run so far. Members Rob and Jen Ozanne own a light aircraft that lives in a hangar at the Serpentine airfield. The airfield is owned and operated by the Sports Aircraft Builders Club. Rob and Jen were able to give us a tour of the club rooms and the maintenance workshop as well as enlighten us to the history of both the club and the airfield. We then visited their hangar and aircraft with Rob giving us the story of the rich history of the plane.

    After our visit to the airfield Rob lead us off to the lunch destination, The King Road Brewery, via some great driving roads. And lunch was yummy. It certainly was a very enjoyable day. Thanks Rob and Jen!

    Our next adventure is being conceived at this very moment by George Kallidis. It will happen on the 29th of August so keep an eye out for the invitation.

    Cheers till next time.


    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

  • 20 Jul 2024 8:46 PM
    Reply # 13384401 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hello Members,

    As you know our June Meander was postponed due to the weather, so we ran a "make up" meander on the 4th of July.

    We did try and go with an American theme being Independance Day and all, but alas we couldn't find anything suitable. So, we had coffee at the Yahava Koffeeworks in the Swan Valley. The cafe name and founder were Duch. Then for lunch we wondered up the road to a very Ausie brewery, Bailey's Brewery. Both venues were great, and it was a very pleasant day indeed. 

    Thanks to Roger for scouting out the locations with short notice and coming up with the venues. 

    I hope to see you all at the July event this Thursday the 25th to the Serpentine Airfield, it should be very memorable. 

    See the pictures below.



    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

  • 9 Jun 2024 5:11 PM
    Reply # 13367843 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hello Members,

    May's Midweek Meander was well patronised despite the threat of rain. And yes, our favour with the weather was finally dashed. We have been running these mid-week runs for about two years now and I think that this was the wettest yet. However, two brave members drove their Zeds. Roger, who by the way has also driven his to Adelaide and back for the Nissan Datsun nationals and is not afraid to use it wherever and whenever. And Paul with his nicely restored 260Z 2+2. The rest of us wimps brought out daily drivers. Which is very acceptable, the point of the midweek gatherings is twofold, get the zeds out but perhaps more importantly keep the fellowship going. So, if you want to come along but don't have a road going Zed, never mind just come along and join in.

    The drive was good, and the lunch stop excellent. Pictures below.

    Next month's Meander will be hosted by Rob Ozanne, and he will be including a stop of interest. keep the date free Thursday the 27th of June. Details to come!



    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc


  • 5 May 2024 4:13 PM
    Reply # 13352390 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hello Members, some words of our April Meander from organiser Paul.

    Update on April Mid Week Meander

    Well another successful Mid Week Meander with 6 attendees in 5 cars meeting for the customary coffee kickoff held at the Sandbar on Scarborough Beach. We were also joined by Graham Muston who is keen to join the club in the near future.

    Those involved in the run were Tony Murphy, Peter Hall, Roger Bennetts, Glen Pickett and guest and Paul Maisey (organizer).

    We grouped at the south end of the carpark and convoyed our way out onto West Coast Highway heading north until we hit the Trigg Beach turnoff and headed up West Coast Drive, sticking to the coast all the way up to Whitfords Ave.

    As we headed inland, Peter disappeared out of the rear view mirror and headed into the first service station we came across to take enough fuel on board to finish the run. The convoy waited patiently down the road for him to make his return at which point we continued on. I don’t know, talk about organized!!

    Our tour took us out along Ocean Reef Road, past Wangara, Gnangara, Elenbrook and onto Great Northern Highway. We then took some back roads through West Swan vineyard country and ended up on Toodyay Road heading to Gidgegannup. Through Gidgie and into Lilydale Rd which was a fabulous drive through to the Chidlow Tavern.

    Lots of discussion and a very nice lunch was had at the Chidlow with the Publican, Noel, keen to have a chat and show us his latest project, an EH Holden wagon, which had been through a ground up restoration. Very impressive, even though it wasn’t a Datto.

    We wrapped up around 2pm and everyone headed off to make the journey home.

    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

  • 2 Apr 2024 5:17 PM
    Reply # 13337628 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hello Members,

    Mild days with clear blue skies make autumn a great time for short or long drives in a Zed. And our March Midweek Meander was no exception. Seven members and a guest met at the Dome Cafe in Port Coogee last Thursday. The coffee was good and the company better. It was the perfect spot to start our day, sitting on the balcony overlooking the boat harbour.

    I think if we had of stayed there all day no one would have minded, but there was some driving to be done, so we set off for Mandurah where a fish and chip lunch was waiting. We hugged the coast for as long as we could taking in the ocean views. We had a re-group stop along the Rockingham foreshore taking in some more views and more chat before heading to Cicerello’s. 

    The lunch was great and lot more problems of the world solved before we called it a day and went our own ways home. It was a very simple but pleasant day. Which is the aim of all Midweek Meanders!

    The photos below of the cafe and our stop at the Rockingham Foreshore.

    Participants were Vaughan, Roger, Paul, George, Rob and Jen, our guest Graeme and me.

    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

  • 10 Mar 2024 5:21 PM
    Reply # 13327283 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hello Members,

    Our February Midweek Meander, night event, fish and chip run, was held at Kalilis Fish Cafe, Fishing Boat Harbour Fremantle.

    The evening was just a little on the cool side sitting out in the fresh sea breeze. However, after all the heat we have had during February, it was a pleasant change! It was perfect Zed driving weather. 

    The turnout was compact but very good company with President Chris, Vaughan Wilde, George and Rose Kallidis, Paul and Lin Maisey, Mick Hailand, me and saving the best for last, Kent and Barbara Bush. Barbara is enduring some health issues at the moment, so it was very pleasing to see her make the night.

    See all of our smiling faces below.

    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

  • 6 Oct 2023 8:30 PM
    Reply # 13263833 on 12956291
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Hi Midweek Meander fans,

    Octobers Meander was small in numbers but big on content. Three members, Mick Hailand, Roger Bennetts and Ken Beattie met at the Malaga Muzz-Buzz for their coffee hit and a chat. It was then up to Ken the master of back roads to navigate the most interesting route to the Yanchep Inn. The weather was perfect, and the drive enjoyed by all. The Yanchep Inn didn't disappoint, and the meal was apparently great. 

    My thanks to Mick for organising this month's Meander. This was the last Mid-week event for 2023. However, Tony our club secretary is putting together a Saturday lunch run for our Christmas function. On the 9th of December I believe, so keep that date free and keep an eye out for the invite.

    Thanks to everyone that has participated in our mid-week adventures this year and hopefully I will see you all again next year! 

    Peter Hall

    Vice President

    WA Z Register

    Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc

    Last modified: 2 Nov 2023 1:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
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