Hello Members, some words of our April Meander from organiser Paul.
Update on April Mid Week Meander
Well another successful Mid Week Meander with 6 attendees in 5 cars meeting for the customary coffee kickoff held at the Sandbar on Scarborough Beach. We were also joined by Graham Muston who is keen to join the club in the near future.
Those involved in the run were Tony Murphy, Peter Hall, Roger Bennetts, Glen Pickett and guest and Paul Maisey (organizer).
We grouped at the south end of the carpark and convoyed our way out onto West Coast Highway heading north until we hit the Trigg Beach turnoff and headed up West Coast Drive, sticking to the coast all the way up to Whitfords Ave.
As we headed inland, Peter disappeared out of the rear view mirror and headed into the first service station we came across to take enough fuel on board to finish the run. The convoy waited patiently down the road for him to make his return at which point we continued on. I don’t know, talk about organized!!
Our tour took us out along Ocean Reef Road, past Wangara, Gnangara, Elenbrook and onto Great Northern Highway. We then took some back roads through West Swan vineyard country and ended up on Toodyay Road heading to Gidgegannup. Through Gidgie and into Lilydale Rd which was a fabulous drive through to the Chidlow Tavern.
Lots of discussion and a very nice lunch was had at the Chidlow with the Publican, Noel, keen to have a chat and show us his latest project, an EH Holden wagon, which had been through a ground up restoration. Very impressive, even though it wasn’t a Datto.
We wrapped up around 2pm and everyone headed off to make the journey home.
Peter Hall
Vice President
WA Z Register
Datsun 240Z & 260Z Register of WA Inc