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  • 9 Nov 2024 5:42 PM
    Reply # 13428897 on 12922371

    Hi Peter,

    You will need to go to the below website and obtain an import approval it should be straight forward and with only a small fee. 


    This is the most important part as without it the car will not be let in. 

    Then I'd suggest you reach out to a customs broker to manage the required paperwork for you on the WA side and again this is a simple process, I've used Famous shipping in the past but there are many that can do this. 

    Then you need it registered, if it is modified you may need to get it engineered, but once its in country this is easy enough to work through. 

    I hope that gives you enough info. 


  • 28 Oct 2024 9:25 PM
    Reply # 13424207 on 12922371
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Peter, apologies for the delayed response. We discussed your request at our last meeting and one of the members present has been through the process. 

    He is adamant the best way to do the import is through an importer who will look after all the details for you and the costs are not ridiculous. 

    If you do a search on car importers Perth, you will get a list and you can make a selection based on knowledge you, or your son, may already have or through reviews submitted. 

    It would appear trying to jump through all the importation hoops can be both quite time consuming and potentially expensive if you are not full aware of what is required.

    Hope that helps, but feel free to contact me again if necessary. 



  • 15 Oct 2024 6:31 PM
    Reply # 13419062 on 12922371
    Deleted user

    Hello! Greetings from chilly Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    I'm an Irish lawyer living in Amsterdam and I have just joined WA Z Register to help my son Conor (he'll take over this membership soon). Conor moved to Perth and is getting married soon to a lovely Aussie girl, and once the visa application is safely approved, he intends to bring the real love of his life - his 1976 260Z 2+2 - to WA. I'd be really grateful for any guidance that members can give me about looking into what technical/roadworthiness/approval the car will need once it lands in Freo. Don't want to ship it out there and find there's a problem... It's a Dutch registered RHD drive car (was originally from Netherlands, but we found it there in 2012 and took it to the UK and registered it there, but then moved to the Netherlands so it's back on its original plates). A solid, condition 2 car. Thanks for reading!. Peter

  • 20 Apr 2024 3:48 PM
    Reply # 13345902 on 13345900
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Our Zs are welcome to be part of the display - check events list

    May be an image of 2 people, car and text

  • 8 Apr 2024 2:00 PM
    Reply # 13340183 on 12922371
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Here is a YouTube link to "Datsun 240Z Development" video never seen before footage !! This short version was presented at Z Con 2023 in Ontario, California. Videos were provided by Former Nissan Chassis Engineer & Team Leader of Final Road Test in US, Hitoshi Uemura and team member, Eiji Osawa. It shows some of the personal videos recorded in the Nissan factory by these development engineers.


  • 22 Feb 2024 9:48 AM
    Reply # 13319127 on 12922371

    Thanks for the meeting last night and approving my application. Just having a look round the site. Is there any forum that I or anyone else can put questions on and gain advice from the experience of the wider team? The documents in the knowledge base from Tony are awesome and downloaded them already. I would personally find it valuable to be able to ask questions and would welcome any hints/tips on (what goes where, be aware of this, this would work better etc)... just an idea for anyone in the middle of any restorations... cheers Mike - Pictures of the car - waiting to get painted and also engine... as i start to slot things in.... :) (Will be taking a lot off engine bay prior to paint and then reinstalling....  I have a question on the PCV and large pipe that comes out the engine for example... whats the best thing to do with this since i removed the efi?... 

    2 files
  • 28 Aug 2023 5:13 PM
    Reply # 13246490 on 12922371
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Australian Motor Heritage Foundation Economic Value Study - WA

     Please complete the survey

    Dear Club Secretary

    Over the past 5 weeks, we have been running a survey of historical vehicle owners in order to ascertain the value of the motor heritage sector to the Australian economy.

    So far, more than 5,200 responses have been received – a remarkable response rate that highlights the interest in – and passion for – the motor heritage sector.  Such a strong response will add considerable weight to the Study's findings.

    Thank you for your support so far in distributing the survey to all of your members.

    Before the survey closes by the end of September, I thought we could make one final push for any historical vehicle owners who haven't already completed the survey to do so.  We need as many respondents as we can muster to really highlight to Government the value that the sector brings to the economy.

    Your members will only able to complete the survey once, so if they have already completed it, there is no need to do it again.  But for those who have not yet completed the survey, they have until the end of September.

    With that in mind, please find below the link to the survey.  Could you please send (or re-send as the case may be) this email with the link to all your members and encourage them to complete before the end of the month.

    We attached again some information about the Study, as well as a frequently-asked-question document that tries to answer some of the more common questions we have been receiving.

    The link to the survey is below:

    Australian Motor Heritage Foundation (AMHF) Survey (surveymonkey.com)

    Many thanks

    The Australian Motor Heritage Foundation


    1 file
  • 17 Sep 2022 3:31 PM
    Message # 12922371
    Deleted user

    All topics Z or club related

    Last modified: 25 Sep 2022 1:40 PM | Deleted user
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